The Lane
County Fair (Oregon) was interesting in that I had a chance to talk to both Ds
and Rs. In addition, Peter DeFazio’s booth was immediately across from our Oregon Concealed Handgun booth. We were trying to get people to sign up for

It seems
representative of Pete, no show, nothing substantive and positive.
The Ds had
a different tact. They actually listened to me a little. They had a bunch of
beans and issues. You could have 2 beans to cast into cups representing current
issues. It was contrived, self serving, and had a feel of being incestuous. I told them so. I suggested 2 more cups, one for
Ds and the other for Rs. I told them I would then cast one bean in each cup because that was and is where the real issue lay. The lady looked shocked.
"Does that
mean I did not have to have heart surgery or in the alternative I did not have
to pay for it?" After some pointed questions the D said, “Well, it isn’t really
a right. We just framed it that way to generate acceptance.”
I then
asked him if he was willing to steal my prosperity to enforce the health care
mandate, for the redistribution. “But, it is my property.” In answer he said, “We
need the money to insure everyone has health care.” I know I looked confused
because I was. I then asked him, “Are you going to personally do it, steal from
me?” He did not answer. “Then you are knowingly a thief!” The conversation
broke down at that point.
Like most who steal, they have no personal integrity and this man was no exception.
At my core I believe in Liberty as framed by the founding fathers. That means I have a fundamental and inalienable right to keep my property. The Supreme Court of the United States of American, the Republic has said that which can be taxed, can be taxed into extinction. The issue does not get much simpler.